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BK Ltd.
    27/10/1998 Start-up for Koprivshtica homepage

    23/10/1998 We have a record in BG Find out's .For instance, in Gyuvech - two black points for Pirdop and Zlatica homepages. 

    15/10/1998 From today, two weeks free (dial-up) Internet Access 

    13/10/1998 Just for the Client. The price for a computer lesson in the office is 2000 BGL/ an hour now. 

    06/10/1998 First Opening Steps for Pirdop and Zlatica web sites 

    30/09/1998 We annonced a trial free e-mail registration for students 

    23/09/1998 At last, Techno Link connection. The hired line was delayed only 40 days, which is a remarkable result